Messages by Thread
[XXE] WG: Ditafile with referenced content
Amhof Melanie
Re: [XXE] Ditafile with referenced content
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] MacOS finder "open with" does not open XML file in XMLmind
Peter Desjardins
Re: [XXE] xxeconvert on Build Server?
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] Release of XMLmind XML Editor v10.0
Hussein Shafie
Re: [XXE] No Hunspell add-on for the Mac M1
Hussein Shafie
Re: [XXE] Keyboard shortcuts for switching from one document tab to another do not work
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] DocBook:xslTNG stylesheets
Gerd Wagner
Re: [XXE] text overflows in converted <screen> elements when converting DocBook to PDF
Hussein Shafie
Re: [XXE] XMLmind products on macOS
Hussein Shafie
Re: [XXE] concatenation of two elements not working
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] Using XXE with an Apple M1 (ARM-based) processor
Leif Halvard Silli
[XXE] Image data blob instead of file name
Re: [XXE] Transformation including database-call doesn't work
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] Value attribute for the listitem tag in docbook?
Re: [XXE] Some questions about XMLMind features
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] Problem with invocation of command TableEditCommand
Madlik, Monika (LNG-VIE)
Re: [XXE] Converting DocBook assembly to Web Help uses a URL naming scheme which defeats bookmarking pages
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] Custom DTDs
Gale Jaramillo /6358
[XXE] XML Editor - more details about features
[XXE] Options menu grayed out
Judith Erickson
Re: [XXE] duplicate symbols when converting my dita files to pdf
Hussein Shafie
Re: [XXE] [W2X] Word To XML - Converting Multiple Files
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] Release of XMLmind XML Editor v9.5.1
Hussein Shafie
Re: [XXE] How to apply a custom stylesheet when opening an XML file in the XML editor?
Hussein Shafie
Re: [XXE] How to apply the XMLmind XML Editor Professional Edition User License?
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] xmltool indent inserting lines?
Tim Trese
[XXE] Preserving SVG images in the DocBook-to-HTML conversion
Gerd Wagner
[XXE] No page numbers when converting DocBook to DOCX
Hussein Shafie
Re: [XXE] conversion of <indexterm> to its DOCX equivalent
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] XXE file browser and DropBox
Leif Halvard Silli
Re: [XXE] Attribute value does not show up on XML
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] How to use configuration/detect in 9.5.0?
Daniel Dekany
Re: [XXE] styled XHTML h1, h2, ..., h5 instead of styled XHTML p.p-HeadingN, how?
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] Possible BIDI issue
Leif Halvard Silli
[XXE] Release of XMLmind XML Editor v9.5
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] fallback attribute
Grundtvig Nielsen, Niels Peter
[XXE] RFE: File management details
Leif Halvard Silli
[XXE] spelling errors
Aaron Mehl
[XXE] Unexpected effect of 'Install add-ons in XXE installation director' in MacOS
Leif Halvard Silli
[XXE] RFE: Improved whitespace treatment
Leif Halvard Silli
[XXE] Very uneven kerning with the default 11 pt font on Windows
Daniel Dekany
[XXE] Please change
Pere Porta Roca
[XXE] something I should have documented …
Grundtvig Nielsen, Niels Peter
[XXE] Is it possible?
Pere Porta Roca
[XXE] DocBook to ebook conversion
Gerd Wagner
[XXE] search in WebHelp not finding numeric strings
Grundtvig Nielsen, Niels Peter
Re: [XXE] Using XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] problems accessing FAQ
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
[XXE] Release of XMLmind XML Editor v9.4.1
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] language-specific labels
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
[XXE] DocBook conditional profile not working
Gerd Wagner
Re: [XXE] fonts in svg files
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] svg with embedded jpg
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
Re: [XXE] Spelling errors evaluating XMLmind Editor Personal Edition
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] using icons as class-labels for DITA <note> elements
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
[XXE] Modular Glossary
Tim Trese
[XXE] Release of XMLmind XML Editor v9.4
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] DITA note types and prefix images
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
[XXE] Customise document conversion stylesheets: something I haven't noticed till recently
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
[XXE] Fwd: Error on page
Juan Francisco Reyes
[XXE] docbook and xml:lang attribute
[XXE] XXE Professional 9.3.0
[XXE] document conversion parameters and ditamaps
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
[XXE] Docbook 5 html table colgroup / cols problem
Martin Goik
[XXE] Release of XMLmind XML Editor v9.3
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] glossentry: DITA addon terminology question
Leif Halvard Silli
Re: [XXE] Cannot register MathML fonts
Hussein Shafie
Re: [XXE] Localization of XMLmind XML Editor v9.3
Hussein Shafie
Re: [XXE] Personal Edition: PDF output contains "MMulttiple CCharaccters"
Hussein Shafie
[XXE] XXE not starting - more info
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
[XXE] XXE not starting
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
[XXE] question about importing plain text
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
[XXE] observation
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
[XXE] another puzzle!
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
[XXE] small issue with source-view editor
Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
Re: [XXE] FW: Accessing addon repository with XMLmind 9 (on onward ?)
nobili, philippe
Re: [XXE] XXE not checking the consistency of CALS (DITA, DocBook) tables
Hussein Shafie
Re: [XXE] About font on PDF
Hussein Shafie