Good morning! now happily running 9.4.1, having (finally) discovered the only 
person in IT support who understands the problems caused by our corporate 
security policies …

I'm updating a DITA topic with a table of yes / no values, where I want to use 
the unicode tick (✓, U+2713) and cross (✘, U+2718 symbols)
Works fine on screen and in the target deliverable WebHelp, but (of course) not 
when outputting to .pdf for review – so I start by checking the FAQ for the 
reminder I know is there:

Q: When I convert documents written in Russian (or Polish or Czech or any 
non-western language) to PDF, almost all characters are replaced by the "#" 
character. Is there a workaround for this problem?
A: […] More information in XMLmind XML Editor - Online Help, Apache FOP options 
and RenderX XEP options.

Unfortunately, both these links return "Bad Request: your browser sent a 
request that this server could not understand. Additionally, a 400 Bad Request 
error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the 

How can I check the help for Apache FOP options?


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