Calvin L. wrote:

Our request is to apply a custom stylesheet when opening an XML file in the XML editor. The "XML" and "Customize CSS Stylesheet" options are all disabled and we don't know where to find the */custom//* directory and the */custom .xxe/* file. Could someone please let us know how to do it?

XMLmind XML Editor does not know anything about the kind of contents found in files like "XXX.xml", so you have to teach it everything about this.

This is done by writing a *configuration* *file* for XMLmind XML Editor.

A minimum configuration for styled documents contains:

1) How to detect this kind of documents (and which is the name of this kind of document). 2) Which schema to automatically associate with it (unless each document instance is guaranteed to point to a DTD or Schema). 3) Which CSS stylesheet to automatically associate with it (unless each document instance is guaranteed to point to a CSS stylesheet).

Having no configuration associated to the document you have opened leads to a barebone XMLmind XML Editor with a grayed "XML" menu and grayed "Options|Customize Configuration" menu items. (Note that it's called "Customize Configuration", that is, customize an existing configuration, not create a new configuration from scratch.)

--> How to write a configuration file for XMLmind XML Editor is explained in:

"XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment",

and more specifically in:

"Chapter 2. Writing a configuration file for XXE",

All our stock configurations (DITA topic, map, DITAVAL, etc, DocBook all versions, XHTML all versions, etc), no matter how complex, have been written this way --by the book-- (which is "XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment").

A simple configuration is short and not difficult to write. Unfortunately, this implies having to read a lot of (boring) documentation.

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