
On 2/18/20 1:53 AM, Kimura, Shinichi wrote:

I can set the Japanese font with (3) shown in 0218-2.png.
But I can't convert to PDF with error shown in 0218-3.png.
I attached the error log file. (XXEerrlog0218-1.txt)
In line 29, error occurred.
I don't understand why the processor cannot find the font file.

Do I have to set other settings?

Not 100% sure but I would say that you just need to slightly change your current settings.

The error log contains useful information reported by FOP:
Converting XSL-FO file "__doc.fo" to "__doc.pdf" using FOP
[FOP INFO] This is a TrueType collection file with 2 fonts
[FOP INFO] Containing the following fonts:
[FOP INFO] BIZ UDMincho Medium
[FOP INFO] BIZ UDPMincho Medium
[FOP ERROR] Failed to read font file file:/C:/Windows/Fonts/BIZ-UDMinchoM.ttc: Name does not exist in the TrueType collection: BIZ UD明朝 Medium
FOP XSL-FO processor error:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to read font file file:/C:/Windows/Fonts/BIZ-UDMinchoM.ttc

Therefore, I would change the font family name from "BIZ UD明朝 Medium" to "BIZ UDMincho Medium".

Unfortunately, this cannot be done using the "Family" (non-editable) combobox of the "Edit" dialog box depicted in 0218-2.png.

You'll have to do this using a text editor. The text file to be edited is found in <XXE_user_preferences_dir>/fop/fop.conf, where <XXE_user_preferences_dir> is:

    * $HOME/.xxe9/ on Linux.

    * $HOME/Library/Application Support/XMLmind/XMLEditor9/ on the Mac.

* %APPDATA%\XMLmind\XMLEditor9\ on Windows. Example: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\XMLmind\XMLEditor9\.

(If you cannot see the "AppData" directory using Microsoft Windows File Manager, turn on Tools>Folder Options>View>File and Folders>Show hidden files and folders.)

Please do not forget to restart XMLmind XML Editor after doing so.

--> In order to fix this XMLmind XML Editor bug, it would help us if you could send us your "fop.conf" file before modifying it and also "BIZ-UDMinchoM.ttc". Of course, we'll not use or redistribute this font file. We'll just examine its contents for debugging purposes.

Sorry for these inconveniences and thank you for your patience.

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