On 2/23/21 8:12 AM, Grundtvig Nielsen, Niels Peter wrote:
obviously enough, keyrefs are not resolved when I convert a single topic
to an output format; and XML Mind helpfully alerts to me to this with
the message
file:/T:/17_yumi/ownerManual/yuo_048.dita:49:55: cannot resolve
keyref="productName" and there is no "href" fallback attribute
But I am then left wondering what a fallback attribute might be, and how
to use one. I may soon be required to output quite a lot of topics to
xhtml for a test, and it will be inconvenient to have gaps every time
the product name should appear :-}
Thanks in advance for any advice on this.
--> The sensible fallback value for a keydef like this one:
<keydef href="screenshots/consoleMode.png" keys="consoleMode"/>
is of course adding attribute href="screenshots/consoleMode.png" to your
<image> in addition to keyref="consoleMode", for example:
<image href="screenshots/consoleMode.png" keyref="consoleMode"/>
The magic of the keyref is to make the fig/image point to a file other
than "screenshots/consoleMode.png" provided that you redefine key
"consoleMode" in a different DITA map.
--> There is no sensible fallback value for a keydef like this other one:
<keydef keys="productName" navtitle="Name of the product.">
<keyword>Fancy Gizmo</keyword>
If you want to get rid of the warning, the only way is to first open a
DITAMAP (a mockup one or a real one) referencing the topic you want to
convert and defining the key, and then open the topic, for example to
convert it.
This should work fine thanks to the *automatic* master document
mechanism to XXE:
- See tutorial "Working with master documents",
- See "Use as Master Document",
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