:-} companions in misfortune ...

fwiw, I have now investigated a sort of workaround:
* for 'standard' fonts, check the svg file in a text editor once all the 
content is correct and make sure only known fonts are used (Illustrator, 
infuriatingly, shows 'Arial' in the interface while you're editing a graphic 
but writes 'ArialMT' to the .svg source)
* for 'extra' fonts such as Droid Sans, prepare the graphic in Illustrator and 
then convert the text to outlines

A bit of extra work, but I don't mind if it delivers good clean .pdfs with 
vector graphics.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hussein Shafie [mailto:huss...@xmlmind.com]
Sent: dinsdag 25 augustus 2020 11:05
To: Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
Cc: 'xmleditor-support@xmlmind.com'
Subject: Re: [XXE] fonts in svg files

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On 8/25/20 10:34 AM, Grundtvig Nielsen Niels wrote:
> I checked the Helps and followed the procedure for adding Droid Sans to
> the FOP fonts list, but when I try to convert a topic to .pdf I still
> get an error message saying Droid Sans is not found. What have I missed?

I'm really sorry but I don't know how to solve this SVG font problem
when the SVG is processed by FOP. I occasionally also have it too when
converting my own documents.

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