On 12/3/21 19:33, Tim Trese wrote:
Looking at release notes for XXE 10.0:

“The xxeconvert command-line utility, which replaces the xxetool command-line utility, runs on headless servers.”

We currently run XSLUtil on a dedicated VM to build PDF & HTML on change commit. Is the intention here that we can/should migrate to xxeconvert on our build server when we upgrade to XXE 10?

If you are satisfied with XMLmind XSL Utility (xslutil; http://www.xmlmind.com/foconverter/xsl_utility.html), I don't see any reason to migrate to xxeconvert. (Good old saying: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".)

However please note that:

1) xslutil in its command-line mode (www.xmlmind.com/foconverter/_distrib/xslutil/doc/help/index.html) is NOT officially supported on headless servers. It may or may not run, for all your use cases, on a headless server. We don't know. We have never tested this.

2) The same could be said for xxetool, XXE v9 command-line tool.

3) Unlike xxetool, xxeconvert, which is XXE v10 command-line conversion tool, is guaranteed to run on headless servers. That is, if a conversion fails with a java.awt.HeadlessException, simply report this as a bug and we will fix it.

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