On 10/1/21 17:46, Albert wrote:
Thank you for your answer, the options startingnumber (equivalent to the
HTML attribute start of the ol tag) and numeration ( equivalent to the
HTML attribute type of the ol tag) are known to me (as reference:
<https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_ol.asp>) and have already been
We are talking here about the value attribute of the li tag (as
reference: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_li.asp
<https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_li.asp>) in this way it is possible
to set inside a list (probably quite uncommon) the value of the current
item (and consequently the start for the next set of items.
I'm not sure a lot of authors need this low-level feature. HTML
li/@value just looks like a low-level variant of DocBook
orderedlist/@startingnumber. I mean, IMHO, DocBook
orderedlist/@startingnumber is a fine solution for the vast majority of
needs (and orderedlist/@continuation="continues", an even better solution).
It would be nice that this would be in the xmlmind docbook editor but
this requires probably that it should be in the docbook specifications
That's right.
Are there plans for this (to your knowledge)
No, not to my knowledge.
or where should this be requested?
I'm sorry but I don't know. May be mailing list
docb...@lists.oasis-open.org or docbook-a...@lists.oasis-open.org ? See
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