[[[My answer assumes that you have customized the DocBook v4+ configuration for XXE v3.6.]]]

On 8/23/21 15:37, Madlik, Monika (LNG-VIE) wrote:

we currently use a very old version of XML-Mind (3.6) and want to switch now to Version xxe-pro-9_5_1. I've already installed this version on my computer and switched all the old configuration files (css-files and xxe-files ...) to the newer version and did some adaptions.

But when I open a specific file I get the message that command "docb.tableEdit" could not be invoked. com/xmlmind/xmleditapp/tableedit/TableEditCommand could not be found. I then had a look at the folders and didn't find the folders src\com\xmlmind\xmleditapp\tableedit\TableEditCommand.java

How can I handle this problem?

You must port your customizations from v3.6 to v9. How to do this, *the* *recommended*, *easiest*, *most* *reliable*, *way*, is documented here:

"XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment, 5. Customizing an existing configuration"

Is there anything I have to install too or how can I use these files we had in the old version and are now missing?

No, everything you need is found in the stock distribution.

For example, XXE_INSTALL_DIR/9xxe/addon/config/docbook/docbook.xxe contains:
  <command name="docb.tableEdit">

Once again, the best way to cope with this is to forget how you did it in v3.6 and take a fresh start by creating and populating a new "0docbook.xxe" file containing:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<configuration name="DocBook" mimeType="application/docbook+xml"
  icon="xxe-config:common/mime_types/docbook.png" extensions="dbk"

  <include location="docbook-config:docbook.xxe"/>

(copied from http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_distrib/doc/configure/customizing.html)

Notice that by including "docbook-config:docbook.xxe", that is, the stock DocBook v4+ configuration, commands such as "docb.tableEdit" are automatically declared for you. Nothing to search. Nothing to declare. Everything is right there at your disposal.

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