I'm not sure to understand.
If you type some XML in the source view and expect it to be stored as is
(same newlines, same indentation, same character entities, etc, in a
nutshell, same physical representation) in the XML file then saved by
XXE, well, this is definitely not possible.
This is somewhat explained in this message:
On 3/11/20 2:36 PM, Grundtvig Nielsen Niels wrote:
When rescuing content from other formats, I often find it easiest to
prepare a plain-text file, add DITA tags and then paste the content into
the XML source view of a topic. Fairly often, what looks like clean XML
source with no extra spaces appears in the DITA topic view with empty
<text> elements. Going back to XML source view shows the lines have been
wrapped, with a space inserted between the end of one element and the
beginning of the next: for example,
lorem ipsum.</p> <p>Dolor sit amet
where the XML file in the external editor had
lorem ipsum.</p>
<p>Dolor sit amet
Is this an artefact of line-end settings? It would save quite a lot of
time and inconvenience if pasted text rendered the way I’ve just seen it
in the editor. fwiw, I usually work with Unix LF, LTF-8.
Let's suppose your pair of <p> is contained in a DITA <section>
A DITA <section> may contain text and unlike, say a <pre>, whitespace is
not significant there. This implies that XXE is legit to convert the
newline char (and any other indentation whitespace) separating your 2
<p>s to just a single space char.
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