--> About the difference between bookmap and topic, the behavior you describe may be surprising but is normal.

An XSLT Stylesheet customization applies only to a single XXE configuration.

DITA has 3 configurations: "DITA Map", "DITA BookMap", "DITA" (for topics of any kind").

Therefore, if you want to use your "Underlines" customization for all 3 configurations:

1) Open or create a topic.
2) "Option|Customize Document Conversion Stylesheets".
3) "Convert to PDF, Postscript".
4) Click "Add".
5) Select your existing file:/T:/_templates/fo_indent_custom.xsl.
6) Click OK and you are done for topics.

Now repeat the same procedure two more times:

- In step (1), Open or create a map.

- In step (1), Open or create a bookmap.

--> About loosing your "Underlines" customization for bookmaps each time you restart XXE, this may be caused by your working environment as I have no way to reproduce the problem here at XMLmind Software. (I tested this and it works fine for me.)

Do you have sufficient permissions on shared drive T:? Do you have read/write permissions on your user preferences directory (see https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_distrib/doc/help/com.xmlmind.guiutil.PreferencesEditorDialog.html)?

On 7/16/20 8:26 AM, Grundtvig Nielsen Niels wrote:
Good morning! colleagues very impressed at how thoughtful implementation of DITA with re-use and a nifty IDE is helping us sort out a whole stack of regulatory documents, so thanks for that.

But, I’ve recently noticed something that hadn’t struck me before: every time I start XXE these days the default XSLT Stylesheet is reverting to dita-config:xsl/fo/fo_indent.xsl instead of the required file on the network drive. I’m ready to believe it’s a network glitch, even though the network connection is always up and running before I start XXE: but is there a way I set my customised file as the default?

Also, when I want to output a single topic from a book I don’t even see my custom file in the list.

Advice on resolving these inconveniences welcome!

Niels Grundtvig Nielsen

technical author Worldline Terminals

Worldline Expert in technical communications

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