On 11/15/21 12:34, Gerd Wagner wrote:
Will the XMLmind XML Editor support the DocBook:xslTNG stylesheets?
Sorry but the answer is no. The reason for that is (Excerpts from
https://cdn.docbook.org/release/xsltng/current/README.md ):
The expectation for paginated output is to use HTML+CSS.
We don't have, nor intend to force our users to purchase, Prince XML
(https://www.princexml.com/) or Antenna House
(https://www.antennahouse.com/formatter-v7). Moreover these expensive,
commercial, tools are not 100% Java, that is, not natively multi-platform.
Free, open source, Apache FOP, an XSL-FO based processor
(http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/), should be sufficient to generate
good PDF out of a DocBook document. This is currently the case with the
DocBook XSLT 1.0 stylesheets.
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