In 9.5.0 this CSS is not selected automatically anymore:

  <include location="xxe-config:docbook5/docbook5.xxe"/>

      <rootElementAttribute localName="conformance" value="docgen" />

  <css name="DocBook for Docgen" location="docbook-for-docgen.css" />

If I go to the View menu, I can still select "DocBook for Docgen", but
the CSS is not selected automatically anymore.

I guess that this regression is related to the view related
refactoring. Actually, I'm not sure how "detect" is supposed to work
together with things like "Help"/"Customize Configuration"/"Use
Current Views Settings as Default". Which is stronger when?

Also configuration/windowLayout is not supported anymore (which is
missing from the change log I believe). What's the idea there? The
plugin shouldn't add views, so that the user will have full control
over that aspect? In that case, it's not exactly easy to find the
above menu. Maybe it should be under View, new "Add View...". Also it
sounds as if it has too wide effect, because what the user wants (I
guess), is just add a ToC view or such, and not interfere with what
CSS is selected for the main view.

Best regards,
Daniel Dekany

XMLmind XML Editor Support List

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