On 12/15/21 18:13, Peter Desjardins wrote:
I am using the excellent XMLmind DocBook Editor Professional
Edition 9.4.0. My laptop OS is MacOS Catalina 10.15.7.
A writer on my team pointed out that right-clicking an XML file in the
MacOS finder and choosing "open with" XMLmind will launch the XMLmind
program, but will not open the actual file in it. I confirmed that I see
the same behavior on my MacOS laptop.
Yes. We confirm that we have an issue here.
Double-clicking an XML file or right-clicking an XML file and then
choosing "open with" from the menu does not open the file in XXE.
Is there a way to configure XMLmind or MacOS to make the actual file
open in XMLmind?
This is a long known problem for which we currently don't have a
solution (even after converting XXE to the newest Desktop Integration
API: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/272)
See http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/known_problems.html#problems_on_mac
* On the Mac, double-clicking on a file which should be opened by XXE
(e.g. a ".dita" file) starts the application (or brings its window to
front if it's already started) but does not cause the file to be opened
in the editor.
No workaround. Seems to be a Java™ bug ([macosx] OpenFilesHandler does
not receive fileopen events[1]), unfortunately not fixed in Java 9+.
[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8043852
Unfortunately we forget to retest this feature for XXE v10 running on
macOS Monterey. We'll do that for XXE v10.1 and try --again-- to find a
workaround for this annoying issue.
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