Am 9/11/2020 um 9:17 AM schrieb Hussein Shafie:
On 9/11/20 12:36 AM, Gerd Wagner wrote:
I'm trying to generate a book with DocBook and a conditional profile with XXE 9.4.0, but I don't get the expected output.

I've set the master file as "Master Document" under [Tools] and selected the profile (with audience="textbook") under [DocBook | Conditional Processing].

But when I generate a DOCX, I get output with sections that are not included in the profile (having audience="tutorial").

Am I missing something?

There are no know bugs related to this feature.

1) If you use a ".profiles" file (, open it in XXE then use "File|Save As" to save it to the same location. This will ensure that the "low-level conditional processing files" exist along the high-level ".profiles" file.

2) Make sure to have selected  he DocBook *profiling* XSLT stylesheets rather than the default, regular ones. More information in "1.1. The "Convert Document" sub-menu, Using the profiling stylesheets",

Thanks for your hints. I was not aware of the need to set these special profiling stylesheets. I had read your "profiling/what_is_it.html" page where this is  not mentioned. I think it would be good to add the hint to this page.



Dr. Gerd Wagner
(1) Professor, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany
(2) Adjunct Associate Professor, Old Dominion University, USA
Email:  Tel: (+49|0) 355.69.2397

(1) Chair of Internet Technology
Brandenburg University of Technology
Cottbus, Germany
(2) Department Modeling, Simulation
and Visualization Engineering
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA, USA

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