I cannot select anything in the Options - Customize Configuration menu. All choices are grayed out. I need to customize a CSS.
Regards, Judy Erickson [cid:e9514409-7ab4-49f0-9cc5-4ed54d3219e1] Judith Erickson | Regulatory Specialist 122 W 2nd Avenue | Vancouver, B.C. Canada, V5Y 1C2 Tel: 1 (604) 983-3434 X 306 We respect your privacy. If you do not wish to receive email communications from us, please respond to this email accordingly. Please click here<http://blog.stpub.com/content/129776/edit/644794928> to provide express consent. To unsubscribe click here<http://stponline.stpub.com/unsubscribe_email.asp>. Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/> Linkedin<https://www.linkedin.com/> Twitter<https://twitter.com/> [cid:image002.jpg@01D4FBFC.55D156E0]<http://www.glaciermedia.ca/>
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