On 4/27/20 2:54 PM, Grundtvig Nielsen Niels wrote:
Good afternoon – and a quick question from my "working at home" corner. It's something I remember asking about before, but a while ago – which means, for me, many releases ago.

9.2.0 today, and looking forward to installing the 9.3.0 upgrade – which I have! – later this week. My question is about associating document conversion parameters to ditamaps: it's a worry having to check and set footer content and numbering options, when I have lots of maps and quite a few different requirements to manage. I'm hoping you can just point me to the right place in the helps.

"A day away from the office" is not as special as it used to be, but let's traditionally celebrate the Fête du Travail by not doing any :-}

There is a way to associate an XSL customization file (which may consist in just a few conversion parameters) to just *one* given DITA document and not to *all* DITA documents.

This method involves inserting a <?xxe-stylesheet-set?>
processing-instruction in the DITA map or bookmap of interest.

This is explained here: "How to automatically select a set of
custom stylesheets when converting a given document?":


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