Monika M. wrote:

I want to start an XSLT-Transformation via a button of the XML-Mind (version 9.5.1). So far so good - "normal" transformations work fine. But I have a transformation where I have to use <sql:query> to get information of an access-database.

I copied the file saxon-sql-8.7.jar to the directory where I installed XML-Mind and where the xxe.jar-file is settled (Z:\XMLMind_v9\bin\) and tried to call the mentioned stylesheet.

1) Z:\XMLMind_v9\bin\ is not scanned for add-ons and extension ".jar" files during XXE startup. But the two add-on directories of XXE are.

For example, you'll find a XXE_install_dir/addon/config/docbook/docbook-xsl-saxon.jar (written by Normal Walsh, the author of the DocBook XSL stylesheets) which contains extension functions and extension elements for Saxon 6.5 just like your saxon-sql-8.7.jar does but for Saxon 8.7 (<sql:query> is an extension element;

2) XXE does not support Saxon 8.7 at all, only Saxon 6.5 and Saxon-HE 9.9 (opensource Home Edition). See XXE_install_dir/bin/saxon.jar and XXE_install_dir/bin/saxon9.jar

This implies that, in theory, you must find a saxon-sql JAR but for Saxon 6.5 or for Saxon-HE 9.9 depending on whether your MY.xslt is an XSLT 1.0 or XSLT 2.0 stylesheet.

But I got the error that <sql:query> is an unknown extension instruction. So I researched the Saxonica-Site ( <>) and there I read, that for <sql:query> a configuration-file is needed where the configuration parameters for Saxon can be defined. This config-file can be applied by using the option -config:filename on the transform command line.

There is no such -config:filename when Saxon runs embedded in XXE. All kinds of embedded Saxon configuration are done programmatically in Java.

But how can I apply this command "-config:filename" to this command in XML-Mind:
<cfg:command name="transform2news">
<cfg:process showProgress="true">
<cfg:transform stylesheet="xsl/MY.xslt" version="2.0" file="%D" to="G:/XMLMind_V9/temp/%R.xml" cacheStylesheet="true">
<cfg:parameter name="kat">%0</cfg:parameter>
<cfg:read file="G:/XMLMind_V9/temp/%R.txt" encoding="default"/>
<cfg:shell command="\\MYSERVER\MYBAT\copy.bat" platform="Windows"/>

Is there a possibility to do this?

Using <cfg:transform>, I don't think so, given what has been explained above.

May be a process command invoking

<cfg:shell command=ZZZ.bat ...>

rather than

<cfg:transform stylesheet=MY.xslt file="%D" ...>

to transform the document being edited.

The <cfg:shell> must be used to execute *your* external copy of Saxon 8.7 (not the Saxon 6.5 or 9.9 embedded in XXE) with its own saxon-sql-8.7.jar properly configured using -config:filename


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