On 9/14/20 2:51 PM, Gerd Wagner wrote:

It seems that I now stumbled upon a bug in the XHTML5 profiling stylesheets.

After adding an <indexterm> element like in the following para:

  <para>A property defined for an object type, or class, is called a <emphasis
   role="bold"><emphasis role="italic">reference
   property</emphasis></emphasis><indexterm class="singular">
       <primary>reference property</primary>
     </indexterm> if its values are <emphasis
  role="italic">references</emphasis> that reference an object of another, or   of the same, type. For instance, the class <code>Committee</code> shown in
   <xref linkend="figCommitteChairRefProp" xrefstyle="select: label"/> below
   has a reference property <code>chair</code>, the values of which are
   references to objects of type <code>ClubMember</code>.</para>

the following XHTML5 is generated:

<p>A property defined for an object type, or class, is called a <span class="bold"><strong><span class="italic">reference property</span></strong></span><a id="d5e106" class="indexterm"> if its values are <span class="italic">references</span> that reference an object of another, or of the same, type. For instance, the class <code class="code">Committee</code> shown in </a><a class="xref" href="#figCommitteChairRefProp" title="Figure&nbsp;1.1.&nbsp;A committee has a club member as chair expressed by the reference property chair">Figure&nbsp;1.1</a> below has a reference property <code class="code">chair</code>, the values of which are references to objects of type <code class="code">ClubMember</code>.</p>

I'm sorry but I didn't manage to reproduce this issue here at XMLmind Software.

My DocBook test case: (excerpts)
<para>If you are editing <filename>docbook-modular-book.xml</filename> and now want to edit <filename>chapter.xml</filename>, click anywhere in this
    chapter and then use<indexterm class="singular">
        <primary>Edit|Reference sub-menu</primary>
      </indexterm> <inlinemediaobject>
          <imagedata fileref="editInclusionAction.png"/>
      </inlinemediaobject> <menuchoice>


        <guimenuitem>Edit Referenced Document</guimenuitem>
      </menuchoice> (<keycombo>



is converted to: (Notice <a id="d5e85" class="indexterm"/>)
<p>If you are editing <code class="filename">docbook-modular-book.xml</code> and now want to edit <code class="filename">chapter.xml</code>, click anywhere in this chapter and then use<a id="d5e85" class="indexterm"/> <span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="resources/editInclusionAction.png"/></span> <span class="guimenu">Edit</span> → <span class="guisubmenu">Reference</span> → <span class="guimenuitem">Edit Referenced Document</span> (<span class="keycap"><strong>Ctrl</strong></span>+<span class="keycap"><strong>Shift</strong></span>+<span class="keycap"><strong>E</strong></span>).</p>

by all the DocBook stylesheets generating HTML and XHTML I've used, including the profiling stylesheet generating multi-page XHTML5.

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