Madlik, Monika (LNG-VIE) wrote:

I now created two jar-files - xxe_ln.jar xxe_app.jar.

A single .jar file containing all your Java custom code is well sufficient.

I did as you recommended and put the files in the folders 
XXE_install_dir/addon/ and in * %APPDATA%\XMLmind\XMLEditor9\. And I deleted 
the quick start cache.

It's *EITHER*:

* XXE_install_dir/addon/


* XXE_user_preferences_dir/addon/
(in your case %APPDATA%\XMLmind\XMLEditor9\addon\; please do not forget the addon\ subdirectory.)

not both.

Please remove the copies you made and clear the quick start cache to restore a clean state. Then copy your jars to a just one addon/ subdirectory.

When I open XMLMind and afterwards open an xml file I don't get any error message.

Start XXE from a command prompt using XXE_install_dir/bin/xxe-c.bat and you may see useful error messages.

After doing this, please select menu item "Help|About" and try to found your .xxe configuration file listed in the "About" dialog box. See

But MultiPick ist still not working. I tried to implement this command via a self written button. But when I click on this button there is nothing happening - no error message but also no MultiPick. I don't know if the error lies in creating the jar-file or in integrating MultiPick in the artikel.xxe-file? I tried to implement the command like this: <cfg:command name="MultiPick">

"com.xmlmind.xmleditapp.command.", strange choice for a package name, as a "com.xmlmind." prefix implies "belonging to", that is, us. One would expect your custom commands to be packaged in something like "at.lexisnexis.xxe_ext."

Do I have to tell the artikel.xxe file where to find the class?

No, your custom Java code is automatically discovered and loaded provided that you copied your .jar to either

* XXE_install_dir/addon/


* XXE_user_preferences_dir/addon/

The later being the recommended location.

However, it is mandatory to declare command MultiPick --not the Java code implementing it, but the command itself, by its name--

Therefore you must indeed add:
<cfg:command name="MultiPick">

to a .xxe file, that is, an XXE configuration file. If you are customizing the DocBook v4 configuration it's something like "0docbook.xxe"
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<configuration name="DocBook" mimeType="application/docbook+xml"
  icon="xxe-config:common/mime_types/docbook.png" extensions="dbk"

  <include location="docbook-config:docbook.xxe"/>

(copied from

--> I'm sorry but I have no idea about what is "artikel.xxe" and what exactly you want to customize.

Please understand that customizing XXE implies carefully reading a lot of boring documentation

Namely "XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment",

and not just trying to follow the somewhat vague directions we give you in our emails.

If you cannot or do not want to follow this quite steep path, please consider using XXE as is without any of your customizations or consider hiring a XML consultant which would port your customizations from v3 to v9.

Sorry for inflicting you what we know to be a steep path!

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