Bård P. T. wrote:
We have now used XMLmind for a while. We publish updated web-help based
documentation at a regular basis. The only criticism we have received is
that for every version of the Web-help, the URLs are updated. Since our
documentation is quite large, some of the users bookmark pages they use
often. With the naming scheme of the web-help produced by XMLmind (we
use Docbook assembly and output to web-help), the bookmarks fail if we
introduce a new chapter: the numbering scheme chNN.html is not suitable
for permanent bookmarks.
Yes, that's right.
Is there a way to add permalinks?
Sure. It's a built-in feature of the DocBook XSL stylesheets. See
parameter use.id.as.filename
We systematically use parameter use.id.as.filename = 1 for our own
documents. For example:
xxetool convert -p toc.section.depth 4 -p olink.doctitle yes \
-p current.docid configure -p chunk.section.depth 2 \
-p use.id.as.filename 1 \
-p suppress.navigation 1 \
-pu target.database.document ../common/doc_wh.sitemap \
-p wh-collapse-toc yes \
-p wh-user-header wh_resources/header.html \
-p wh-user-footer wh_resources/footer.html \
-p wh-user-css wh_resources/header_footer.css \
-p wh-user-resources wh_resources/header_footer_files \
docb.toWebHelp doc.xml -u ../../doc/configure/wh
Result here:
Can we change or configure how the urls are generated so that instead of
chNN.html a word/string is used, taken from for example xml:id?
Once you have added parameter use.id.as.filename = 1 to XXE
or to your scripts invoking xxetool convert
please remember to specify meaningful xml:ids on ALL element part,
chapter, section, etc, and NOT on element part/title, chapter/title,
section/title, etc.
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