On 4/26/20 9:44 PM, Martin Goik wrote:
Consider the following Doocbook 5.1 html style (Not CALS) informaltable:
<informaltable border="1">
<colgroup width="40%"/>
<colgroup width="60%"/>
The Xmleditor table plugin allows for conveniently resizing table
columns using mouse dragging thereby adjusting @width values
accordingly. However when converting the instance to PDF using the
built-in Fop processor these values are not being honored at all: All
columns appear with equal width regardless of any <colgroup> settings. I
tinkered using fop1.extensions=1 and other parameters to no avail.
However when replacing <colgroup> by <col> elements the PDF result
correctly reflects all parameter values:
<informaltable border="1">
<col width="40%"/>
<col width="60%"/>
Unfortunately using the mouse for column drag next time reverts back to
using<colgroups>. And any <col> child entries of <colgroup> get purged
as well.
Though having searched thoroughly for conversion parameters I might miss
It's not a FOP issue. You would get different but still incorrect
results using XEP or XFC. It's a DocBook XSL stylesheets issue which is
well known by us, here at XMLmind Software.
The problem is that the DocBook XSL stylesheets does not support HTML
tables as well as it supports CALS tables.
Now about resizing the table columns by dragging the mouse in XXE. Yes,
XXE exclusively uses colgroups for that (and also for anything related
to HTML table columns) because of the HTML standard:
4.9.1 The table element
Content model:
In this order: optionally a caption element, followed by zero or
more *colgroup* elements, followed optionally by a thead element,
followed by either zero or more tbody elements or one or more tr
elements, followed optionally by a tfoot element, optionally intermixed
with one or more script-supporting elements.
Yes, we are talking about DocBook but the HTML standard says that a
table is really supposed to directly contain colgroups and not cols.
Therefore the issue you report about column resizing is not a bug we
plan to fix.
Please report the PDF conversion bug (XSL-FO transformation bug in fact)
to the maintainers of the DocBook XSL stylesheets.
Meanwhile, please stick to CALS tables. That's what we do here at
XMLmind Software.
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