Leif H S wrote:
A question about the new Tab menu:

At least on my Mac - a M1 Macbook Pro (not the new one that just was released - the previous model) - the built in shortcuts for «Show following» and «Show preceding» Tab, do not work. (The built in shortcuts are Alt+Downarrow and Alt+Uparrow.)

The built-in shortcuts are Alt+PAGE_UP and Alt+PAGE+DOWN, which work on our brand new MacBook Pro M1 Pro.

However please note that on a MacBook Pro:
Alt+PAGE_UP = Option+Fn+UP_ARROW

Also, if possible, it would be «better» if the shortcuts included the Tabulator key, as this is a pretty common key to include, at least on the Mac, for moving between Tabs.

Sorry but we have already tried to implement this in the past and we didn't succeed at it.

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