I answered your question on 12/17/21. Please check your Spam/Junk folder.
This answer is also found here:
My answer was:
Melanie A. wrote:
> I'm working with XMLMind XML Editor Professional Edition 9.5.0.
> When I create a ditafile with referenced content as topicref on my
ditamap and create a navtitle with locktitle=yes on the topicref, then
the navtitle is not taken over when I'm converting the ditamap.
Yes. See below.
> The problem only occurs if the topicref is a ditafile with referenced
Not sure to understand "the topicref is a ditafile with referenced
In our tests, the problem occurs in all cases. A <navtitle>
locktitle="yes" is rarely taken into account. See below.
> The same problem occurs with XML Editor Professional Edition 10.0.0.
That's right.
> Is this a bug or is this intentional?
This is intentional but on the other hand, may be this a bug. That is,
may be we have misunderstood the DITA specification.
It's all about the exact meaning of <navtitle> (or similarly attribute
The spec says:
This navigation title might differ from the first level heading that
shows in the main browser window. Use <navtitle> when the actual title
of the topic isn't appropriate for use in a table of contents,
navigation pane, or online content (for example, because the actual
title is too long).
We currently interpret this spec very strictly and use a <navtitle>
locktitle="yes" only in the generated table of content of multi-page
HTML, Web Help, etc, (and also in some of the navigation links often
found in such pages).
A <navtitle> locktitle="yes" is ignored when generating PDF, RTF, DOCX,
etc, as there is no concept of "navigation title" in such formats.
May be this is not the intended use of a <navtitle> locktitle="yes". We
are not 100% sure as we are not the authors of the DITA spec.
On 1/3/22 10:21, Amhof Melanie wrote:
Until when can I expect your feedback?
Thank you very much.
Kind regards
Melanie Amhof
eidg. dipl. Wirtschaftsinformatikerin FH
Opacc Laboratory AG - Wahligenpark 1 - CH-6023 Rothenburg
Telefon +41 41 349 51 00 - www.opacc.ch <http://www.opacc.ch> -
melanieam...@opacc.ch <mailto:melanieam...@opacc.ch;>
<https://www.opacc.ch/produkte/opacc-erp?utm_source=EMail%20&utm_medium=Signatur&utm_content=OpaccERP&utm_campaign=Signatur> |
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*Von:*Amhof Melanie
*Gesendet:* Freitag, 17. Dezember 2021 10:59
*An:* 'xmleditor-support@xmlmind.com' <xmleditor-support@xmlmind.com>
*Betreff:* Ditafile with referenced content
I'm working with XMLMind XML Editor Professional Edition 9.5.0.
When I create a ditafile with referenced content as topicref on my
ditamap and create a navtitle with locktitle=yes on the topicref, then
the navtitle is not taken over when I'm converting the ditamap.
The problem only occurs if the topicref is a ditafile with referenced
The same problem occurs with XML Editor Professional Edition 10.0.0.
Our license number is XXXX
Is this a bug or is this intentional?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Kind regards
Melanie Amhof
eidg. dipl. Wirtschaftsinformatikerin FH
Opacc Laboratory AG - Wahligenpark 1 - CH-6023 Rothenburg
Telefon +41 41 349 51 00 - www.opacc.ch <http://www.opacc.ch> -
melanieam...@opacc.ch <mailto:melanieam...@opacc.ch;>
<https://www.opacc.ch/produkte/opacc-erp?utm_source=EMail%20&utm_medium=Signatur&utm_content=OpaccERP&utm_campaign=Signatur> |
<https://www.opacc.ch/produkte/opacc-eshop?utm_source=EMail%20&utm_medium=Signatur&utm_content=OpaccEnterpriseShop&utm_campaign=Signatur> |
<https://www.opacc.ch/produkte/opacc-crm?utm_source=EMail-Footer&utm_medium=Signatur&utm_content=OpaccEnterpriseCRM&utm_campaign=Signatur-ECRM> |
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