Please also note that you can now access xmleditor-support@xmlmind.com.
I've received your email, normally, through the
xmleditor-support@xmlmind.com mailing list and sending this reply
through it too.
Please confirm that you have received this email (using
xmleditor-support@xmlmind.com too).
On 2/20/20 5:09 PM, nobili, philippe wrote:
Dear M. Shafie,
The "Edit" trick worked just fine... Thanks!
Quite a shame for us not to have thought doing this sooner... We'll start from
there, and will be soon in touch likely for our license renewal.
Many thanks for your swift help,
Have a nice evening,
Philippe Nobili
Subsurface Imaging - Product Engineering
Tel: +33 16447 4090 | Mobile: +33 63756 6441
27 avenue Carnot
Massy, 91341 - France
Please consider the environment before printing.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hussein Shafie <huss...@xmlmind.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 4:35 PM
To: nobili, philippe <philippe.nob...@cgg.com>
Subject: Re: FW: Accessing addon repository with XMLmind 9 (on onward ?)
On 2/20/20 9:37 AM, nobili, philippe wrote:
Dear Mr. Shafie,
Sorry to send this email directly to you and not to the support list.
But as you will see below, we can no longer reach the XMLmind
support list L.
We wish to renew our XMLMind licenses (we forgot to do so in due
time.) for this year, but there are 2 issues we need to sort out for
*Many thanks *in advance for any clue you might have!
1. The first issue is related to the accessibility of the support list.
Our network team which has been contacted replied that the issue on
the recipient's side. So we run in circles. Could you shed some
light on this ?
Please send a test support request to xmleditor-support@xmlmind.com because I
don't remember what happens.
2. The second is related to the download of addons, starting from
XMLmind 9.0 (upgrades were available to us up to this version)
This still works fine with XMLMind 8.0, but with XMLMind 9.0 (and
onward I imagine), there is no way for us to download and install
XMLMind addons; the message is in the attached image. Whatever the
Java version we choose,
Sorry but I cannot reproduce this issue here at XMLmind or using my home
* May be your IT team has configured your Java runtime to reject
certificates issued by "Sectigo" (formerly known as "Comodo").
* May be your organization uses a proxy which gets in the way.
* May be your anti-virus ("Web shield") gets in the way.
Please try to download:
using your *web* *browser* and tell me if it works from there.
this fails with XMLMind 9.0. and works with
XMLMind 8.0
Anyway, there are several ways to workaround this issue.
1) Using the "Edit" button of the "Download add-ons from this server"
frame (Options|Preferences, Install add-ons section;
Change "https://" to "http://" in all the 3 urls. See attached screenshot.
2) Desperate case: using your web browser, download all the add-ons of
interest listed in this page
then uncheck "Download add-ons from these servers", check "Search
add-ons in this directory" and specify your download directory.
More information in
Many thanks for your time, and many thanks for XMLMind application!
You are welcome.
XMLmind XML Editor Support List