Dear Hussein,

Thank you for your reply.

My personal opinion on this matter is a little bit different.

> There are probably several other attributes not rendered by our DocBook
> CSS stylesheets simply because we don't know about them and/or
> understand them and/or find them really useful.

   - When conforming to a standard one would expect that the implementer(s)
   know(s) about the standard, it can happen that an implementer does not know
   all details but when pointed out to it I think it could be implemented
   - Understanding of the standard, a standard is often not easy to
   understand / read but when it should be clarified with the standard writers
   or with the comunity
   - When conforming to a standard one would expect that personal
   preferences are not taken into account in respect to what should be
   implemented, it is possible to prioritize then features to be implemented.

--> We are sorry but we don't plan to implement attribute
> listitem/@override in our DocBook CSS stylesheets. Two reasons for that:
> 1) You are the very first user to request its support in near 20 years
> of existence of XMLmind XML Editor.
> 2) This attribute is documented as:
> ---
> override(NMTOKEN)  Specifies the keyword for the type of mark that should
> be used on
> this item, instead of the mark that would be used by default

   1. it is not relevant that I'm the first one asking for it in 20 years
   (is it already that long in the docbook standard?), it is a feature present
   in the standard, so the 3-rd point of my above remark hold here
   2. The standard here is indeed a bit vague / hard to understand:
      1. an NMTOKEN is not an integer and thus could be anything (in my
      case it is guaranteed an integer, but that is not relevant here)
      2. it indeed states "that the type of mark that should be used on *this
      *item" so
         1. what to do with subsequent items? For the value attribute of the
         li tag in HTML this is clearly specified, here it is specified
         that it is only for "*this *item" where the word *this *is in
         italics emphasizing that it is just for 1 (this) item
         2. is says " the type of mark " what is the type here?

Seen this I think it is correct that  that the "override" attribute is not
equivalent with the li tag its value attribute.

I hope this all makes a bit sense, I also updated the github issue.

 Best Regards,


On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 9:49 AM Hussein Shafie <> wrote:

> On 10/2/21 18:38, Albert wrote:
> > Dear Hussein,
> >
> > I had contact through the
> > mentioned:
> > <>
> >
> > And got as answer back:
> >
> >     This already exists.  The @OverRide <>
> >     attribute on a DocBook orderedlist/listitem element will cause the
> >     DocBook XSL stylesheet to output a @value <>
> >     attribute on the corresponding HTML <li> element.
> >
> >
> > My test shows that in the XMLMind Docbook viewer the override is not
> > taken into account, but when converting the document to HTML or PDF the
> > override is taken into account.
> > My first impression is that this is a small omission in the Docbook
> > viewer of XMLMind.
> > Is my impression correct?
> Yes, that's right. We didn't know about listitem/@override, therefore
> this attribute is not rendered by our DocBook CSS stylesheets.
> --> Similarly, we didn't know about itemizedlist/@mark. Hence not
> rendered by our DocBook CSS stylesheets.
> ---
> mark(NMTOKEN)
>      Identifies the type of mark to be used on items in this list
> ---
> There are probably several other attributes not rendered by our DocBook
> CSS stylesheets simply because we don't know about them and/or
> understand them and/or find them really useful.
> --> We are sorry but we don't plan to implement attribute
> listitem/@override in our DocBook CSS stylesheets. Two reasons for that:
> 1) You are the very first user to request its support in near 20 years
> of existence of XMLmind XML Editor.
> 2) This attribute is documented as:
> ---
> override(NMTOKEN)
>      Specifies the keyword for the type of mark that should be used on
> this item, instead of the mark that would be used by default
> ---
> See
> which is a poor specification that could be understood as:
> ---
> the label of this listitem is *anything* you want (e.g. "[Foo-22]")
> ---
> That is, not really the equivalent of li/@value:
> ---
> The value attribute, if present, must be a valid integer. It is used to
> determine the ordinal value of the list item, when the li's list owner
> is an ol element.
> ---
> See
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > Albert
> >
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