> This kind of problem is specific to your working environment (e.g. software 
> newly installed on your computer gets in the way or some security policies 
> have been recently changed) and is difficult to reproduce here at XMLmind 
> Software.

<g> yes, I thought this would be the answer ...  I'll try single-instance 
(which I normally use anyway) with a different port. It probably doesn't help 
that the network server is having intermittent problems. (not "my" network, as 
my soothing feed of background classical music continues)



-----Original Message-----
From: Hussein Shafie [mailto:huss...@xmlmind.com]
Sent: maandag 30 maart 2020 9:59
To: Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
Cc: 'xmleditor-support@xmlmind.com'
Subject: Re: [XXE] XXE not starting

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On 3/30/20 8:14 AM, Grundtvig Nielsen Niels wrote:
> Hm. Unwelcome problems this morning ... for the last week or so, XML Mind
> has been taking longer to start, both by association from the file
> explorer and directly from the Start menu. This morning it's not
> starting at all! not even from XMLMind_XMLEditor > bin

> Started after six or seven minutes ... ten minutes after that, the "Cannot 
> start XML Mind XML Editor in single instance mode: Address already in use: 
> bind" As we know, I've already set the "single instance" mode.

This kind of problem is specific to your working environment (e.g.
software newly installed on your computer gets in the way or some
security policies have been recently changed) and is difficult to
reproduce here at XMLmind Software.

3 possible fixes/workarounds:

1) Turn on "single instance mode" and choose a port other than default
49887. Any port in the 49152-65535 range should do. See


2) Turn off "single instance mode".


3) With "single instance mode" turned on, temporarily disable your
anti-virus software to see if that helps.

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