On 6/28/21 8:06 AM, Baskaran, Lokesh Kumar wrote:

We at EKS Intec GmbH use XMLMind DITA Editor Professional Edition 9.4.1.

This editor provides the option to convert word file to XML, which is good. But we find converting individual word files time consuming as we have a lot of files to convert.

As of version 9.1 (September 16, 2019), XMLmind DITA Editor Professional Edition is not bundled with the "Word To XML" add-on (http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/addons_doc.html#word_to_xml) anymore.

Moreover, if you use menu item "Options|Install Add-ons" to download and install the "Word To XML" add-on, then this add-on will run in *evaluation* *mode*, that is, it replaces random words by "[XMLmind]".

Therefore XMLmind DITA Editor Professional Edition does NOT provide the option to convert DOCX to XML. Only XMLmind XML Editor Professional Edition can do that. This is explained here: "Which editor to choose?", http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/which_editor.html

We would like to know if there is any option to convert multiple word files as a batch or if you could provide a command line for the conversion to be used in Command Prompt.

The "Word To XML" add-on cannot do that no matterin which edition of XMLmind you install it.

If you really need this functionality then you must purchase a separate, standalone, product called "XMLmind Word To XML". See http://www.xmlmind.com/index.html

The least expensive license (XMLmind Word To XML Professional Edition
Desktop License; see http://www.xmlmind.com/w2x/price_list.html) comes with the w2x command-line tool.

See http://www.xmlmind.com/w2x/_distrib/doc/manual/webhelp/w2x_command.html

w2x converts one DOCX at a time, but of course, you can call it from a for loop found in a .bat file.

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