I'm trying to generate a book with DocBook and a conditional profile with XXE 9.4.0, but I don't get the expected output.

I've set the master file as "Master Document" under [Tools] and selected the profile (with audience="textbook") under [DocBook | Conditional Processing].

But when I generate a DOCX, I get output with sections that are not included in the profile (having audience="tutorial").

Am I missing something?



Dr. Gerd Wagner
(1) Professor, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany
(2) Adjunct Associate Professor, Old Dominion University, USA
Email: g.wag...@b-tu.de  Tel: (+49|0) 355.69.2397
Web: http://oxygen.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/IT

(1) Chair of Internet Technology
Brandenburg University of Technology
Cottbus, Germany
(2) Department Modeling, Simulation
and Visualization Engineering
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA, USA

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