

-----Original Message-----
From: Hussein Shafie <> 
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 8:12 AM
To: Gale Jaramillo /6358 <>
Subject: Re: [XXE] Custom DTDs


On 8/9/21 9:04 PM, Gale Jaramillo /6358 wrote:
> My company uses specialized map and topic DTDs for DITA.
> The naming convention is company-map.dtd, company-topic.dtd, etc.
> The problem is when I try to open a topic or map, XML Mind says it 
> cannot find the file specified (pointing to the custom dtd). The DTDs 
> are not much different than the standard ones coming with XMLMind.
> Is there a simple way to handle this using app configuration settings?


1) Edit attached XML catalog: omnicell_catalog.xml

A) Attributes publicId="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN", publicId="-//OASIS//DTD 
DITA Map//EN" are the standard DITA public IDs.
Change these public IDs if needed to. (These public IDs are used by the 
<!DOCTYPE> declaration found at the beginning of your DITA documents.)

B) Make attribute uri point to your company-map.dtd, company-topic.dtd, etc. 
Use absolute or relative URIs, not file paths. Example: use 
"file:/C:/foo/bar.dtd", not "C:\foo\bar.dtd".

C) Add more entries if you use other kind of topics or maps, like concept, 
task, etc.

2) Copy modified omnicell_catalog.xml (file name must end with
"catalog.xml") to XXE_user_preferences_dir/addon/

XXE user preferences directory is:

     $HOME/.xxe9/ on Linux.

     $HOME/Library/Application Support/XMLmind/XMLEditor9/ on the Mac.

     %APPDATA%\XMLmind\XMLEditor9\ on Windows. Example:

     If you cannot see the "AppData" directory using Microsoft Windows File 
Manager, turn on Tools>Folder Options>View>File and Folders>Show hidden files 
and folders.

3) Delete XMLmind XML Editor's Quick Start Cache:


otherwise XMLmind XML Editor will not "see" your omnicell_catalog.xml

4) Start XMLmind XML Editor and select "Help|About XMLmind XML Editor"
to check that your "omnicell_catalog.xml" is listed in the "XML catalogs" 
section before stock "dita/catalog.xml".

How this works is explained in XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and 
Deployment, 1. Dynamic discovery of add-ons,;!!GEDXS4kufQ!Dtx5awDTJ9MCPAqDV7YBaikEk-lh1jpqogGGc8AAbu0kug3bDo3MAteHd3d1k4E7Jug3lw$

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