
In principle, this bug is fixed now. It's hard to be 100% sure because this bug was triggered by your Japanese locale.

* About:
I select [Options]-[Preferences...], and open “Preferences” window.

I open "Choose a .ttf file" window to set font, but there are no font files.

When I open the font folder with the explorer, the fonts files exist.

(Please see attached file.)

Recent versions of Windows does not allow to list the contents of "C:\Windows\Fonts\" and this, whether the Java or the native file chooser is used.

That's why Drag&Drop has been implemented for the "When needed..." file list (https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_distrib/doc/help/addonOptions.html#fopOptions).

* About:
Therefore, I would change the font family name from "BIZ UD明朝 Medium" to "BIZ 
UDMincho Medium".

Unfortunately, this cannot be done using the "Family" (non-editable) combobox of the  
"Edit" dialog box depicted in  0218-2.png.

You'll have to do this using a text editor. The text file to be edited is found in 

What I wrote was incorrect. The "Family" combobox *is* editable and may be used to fix an incorrect font family name. No need to mess with <XXE_user_preferences_dir>/fop/fop.conf just for that.

Best regards,

On 2/20/20 1:07 AM, Kimura, Shinichi wrote:


Thank you for your response.

This will really help us understand the problem and,
if we find how, fix it in version 9.3.
I hope it will be fixed.

Best regards,

XMLmind XML Editor Support List

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