On 8/31/21 11:21, Madlik, Monika (LNG-VIE) wrote:
I'm sure we didn't write this command "MultiPick" by our own in 2007. A
colleague of me did the configurations at this time but unfortunately he
is not part of our company any more so I can't ask him about how he did
the config of this file. But in mail-archive I found the old
conversation between you and Roman:
<https://www.mail-archive.com/xmleditor-support@xmlmind.com/msg07205.html> Maybe
this helps. And this is also the reason why this java command has this
package name.
Please note that we have no connection whatsoever with the author Alain
Pierrot, who happens to be just one of our customers.
As this is a file written by Alain Pierrot, I hoped I can use this in
the old version as well as in the new one.
I don't think any custom Java code which compiled successfully against
XXE v3 codebase could compile (or dynamically load) successfully against
XXE v9 codebase.
The "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException" exception you reported
below is just another issue illustrating this.
However, porting this custom Java code to XXE v9 should be pretty
straightforward as we basically renamed some classes and some packages
(e.g. com.xmlmind.xmleditapp.docbook --> com.xmlmind.xmleditext.docbook).
And I also did as you reccomended:
I cleared the folder XXE_install_dir/addon and only put my .jar-file to
the folder %APPDATA%\XMLmind\XMLEditor9. I deleted the quick start cache
and restartet XMLMind.
And I started xxe-c.bat via the commandline. These are the messages I
get when I open an artikel.xml-file:
G:\XMLMind_v9\bin>style sheet
'file:/G:/XMLMind_v9/addon/config/artikel/css/artikel.css': cannot
invoke constructor com.xmlmind.xmleditapp.docbook.TableSupport(String[],
StyleViewFactory): java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void
But I think these messages are related to a table-extension I added and
not to the MultiPick-command.
That's right.
My guess is that your "artikel.css" contains directly or indirectly
(i.e. @import "SOMETHING.css" or @import "SOMETHING.imp") the following
@extension "com.xmlmind.xmleditapp.docbook.TableSupport true";
which must be replaced by:
@extension "com.xmlmind.xmleditext.docbook.TableSupport true";
The above statement is found in our stock:
Better recommendation below though.
And I got the information from the "About"-Window:
* G:\XMLMind_v9\addon\config\aktuelles\aktuelles.xxe
* G:\XMLMind_v9\addon\config\artikel\artikel.xxe
* G:\XMLMind_v9\addon\config\handbuch\handbuch.xxe
You got 3 custom configurations discovered and loaded by XXE.
XML catalogs
* G:\XMLMind_v9\addon\config\aktuelles\aktuelles_catalog.xml
* G:\XMLMind_v9\addon\config\artikel\artikel_catalog.xml
* G:\XMLMind_v9\addon\config\handbuch\handbuch_catalog.xml
You got 3 custom XML catalogs discovered and loaded by XXE.
Class path
Some custom code successfully discovered and loaded by XXE.
docbook-xsl-saxon.jar, docbook.jar are already found in the
distribution. Therefore not only these are not useful but also could
break XXE.
Some custom code successfully discovered and loaded by XXE.
docbook-xsl-saxon.jar, docbook.jar are already found in the
distribution. Therefore not only these are not useful but also could
break XXE v9.
Duplicate custom code?
Duplicate custom code?
--> Given the above very useful report, we strongly recommend:
1) To reinstall XXE v9 and to completely delete your
C:\Users\MadlikM\AppData\Roaming\XMLmind\ to get a fresh, stable, start.
2) To port your customizations *by* *the* *book* to XXE v9 starting from
the Java and XML source files.
- While doing this, please do not duplicate any .jar file already found
in the stock distribution.
- While doing this, please do not bother with low-level declarations
like @extension "com.xmlmind.xmleditext.docbook.TableSupport true";
Instead simply start your "artikel.css" with:
@import url(docbook-config:css/docbook.css);
then add your own styles.
This is precisely what we call "by the book".
* "XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment",
* "XMLmind XML Editor - Developer's Guide"
3) Once you have done this, to copy your configurations and your .jar
files *only* *to*
C:\Users\MadlikM\AppData\Roaming\XMLmind\XMLEditor9\addon\ln\ to clear
the quick start cache and to start XXE.
Notice the ln\ subdirectory which itself may contain sub-subdirectories
and files artikel\ , aktuelles\, handbuch\, xxe_ln.jar, etc.
In our opinion, this is the only way to obtain a simple, reliable,
maintainable, customization.
XMLmind XML Editor Support List