All the issues you describe are not caused by our product XMLmind XML
Editor. They are caused by the DocBook XSL Stylesheets, our products
uses to convert DocBook to HTML.
XMLmind Software does not develop or maintain the DocBook XSL
Stylesheets. Therefore it's difficult for us to help you.
Project page: https://github.com/docbook/xslt10-stylesheets
- When you convert your index.xml to a *single* HTML page, the DocBook
XSL Stylesheets generate:
<div class="book" lang="nl">
Moreover the DocBook XSL Stylesheets use the xml:lang attributes to
translate the generated text (Contents, Chapter, Index) to nl
(Inhoudsopgave, Hoofdstuk, Register).
- When you convert your index.xml to *multiple* HTML pages, the DocBook
XSL Stylesheets just use the xml:lang attributes to translate the
generated text (Contents, Chapter, Index) to nl (Inhoudsopgave,
Hoofdstuk, Register). They do NOT add lang="nl" anywhere in the
generated HTML pages.
Yes, this clearly looks like a bug.
- Your index.xml and mainpage.xml had *severe* *structural* *errors*.
Before being able to convert these to HTML using XMLmind XML Editor, I
had to fix all the structural errors.
Please note that XMLmind XML Editor is not meant to be "usable" on XML
documents having structural errors. Moreover XMLmind XML Editor is not
designed to make it easy fixing this kind of errors. Sorry for that!
Fixed versions of your files attached to this email.
On 6/3/20 3:40 PM, Albert wrote:
Dear Sir,
When I have a simple project (generated by doxygen, see attachment) and
convert it to HTML (xmlmind 9.3.0).
* I have to place the "xml:lang" attribute in the both file input
files as otherwise the file "ch02.html" won't have the language in
its file, I would have expected that placing it in the book tag
should be sufficient as this is the master tag.
* in the conversion there is no language tag in the files ch01.html
and ix01.html, I would have expected the tag here as well
* it is a bit strange to me that the language tag is in a div tag in
the "middle of the document and not with the head and body tag.
o did I miss something for the above mentioned points?
Doxygen can output in quite a few languages (the quality is depending on
the provided translations by developers / users).
* When I create output for the languages and convert to RTF I get for
most languages a translation of words like chapter, but not for
Armenian (language code hy) and Macedonian (language code mk). Is
this intentional?
* For the Norwegian language the language code no is not supported,
supported is Nynorsk (nn) so not a big problem for me though is the
not supporting of no on purpose?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<book version="5.0" xml:id="_index" xml:lang="nl"
<title>My Project</title>
<title>Hoofd Pagina</title>
<para>Some text in Hoofd Pagina.</para>
<xi:include href="mainpage.xml"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chapter version="5.0" xml:id="_mainpage"
<title>Title of the chapter</title>
<para>Text <emphasis>argument</emphasis> more text.</para>
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