Am 9/14/2020 um 1:25 PM schrieb Gerd Wagner:
Am 9/11/2020 um 9:17 AM schrieb Hussein Shafie:
On 9/11/20 12:36 AM, Gerd Wagner wrote:
I'm trying to generate a book with DocBook and a conditional profile
with XXE 9.4.0, but I don't get the expected output.
I've set the master file as "Master Document" under [Tools] and
selected the profile (with audience="textbook") under [DocBook |
Conditional Processing].
But when I generate a DOCX, I get output with sections that are not
included in the profile (having audience="tutorial").
Am I missing something?
There are no know bugs related to this feature.
1) If you use a ".profiles" file
open it in XXE then use "File|Save As" to save it to the same
location. This will ensure that the "low-level conditional processing
files" exist along the high-level ".profiles" file.
2) Make sure to have selected he DocBook *profiling* XSLT
stylesheets rather than the default, regular ones. More information
in "1.1. The "Convert Document" sub-menu, Using the profiling
Thanks for your hints. I was not aware of the need to set these
special profiling stylesheets. I had read your
"profiling/what_is_it.html" page where this is not mentioned. I think
it would be good to add the hint to this page.
It seems that I now stumbled upon a bug in the XHTML5 profiling
After adding an <indexterm> element like in the following para:
<para>A property defined for an object type, or class, is called a
role="bold"><emphasis role="italic">reference
property</emphasis></emphasis><indexterm class="singular">
<primary>reference property</primary>
</indexterm> if its values are <emphasis
role="italic">references</emphasis> that reference an object of
another, or
of the same, type. For instance, the class <code>Committee</code>
shown in
<xref linkend="figCommitteChairRefProp" xrefstyle="select: label"/> below
has a reference property <code>chair</code>, the values of which are
references to objects of type <code>ClubMember</code>.</para>
the following XHTML5 is generated:
<p>A property defined for an object type, or class, is called a <span
class="bold"><strong><span class="italic">reference
property</span></strong></span><a id="d5e106" class="indexterm"> if its
values are <span class="italic">references</span> that reference an
object of another, or of the same, type. For instance, the class <code
class="code">Committee</code> shown in </a><a class="xref"
href="#figCommitteChairRefProp" title="Figure 1.1. A committee
has a club member as chair expressed by the reference property
chair">Figure 1.1</a> below has a reference property <code
class="code">chair</code>, the values of which are references to objects
of type <code class="code">ClubMember</code>.</p>
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