Monika M. wrote:

I tried to write two commands. One for "DELETE" and one for "BACK_SPACE".

These are my commands:
<cfg:keyPressed code="BACK_SPACE"/>
<cfg:command name="deleteSelectionOrJoinBlockOrDeleteChar" parameter="backwards"/>


<cfg:keyPressed code="BACK_SPACE"/>
<cfg:command name="deleteSelectionOrJoinBlockOrDeleteChar"/>

It's code="DELETE", not code="BACK_SPACE" for this one.

(This is the only specification which is consistent with the DeleteChar part of the command.)

I expected that these command will delete characters, which they do.

But I also expected them to join elements like paragraphs, which they don't do. I.e. I wanted to join the elements <para> to one <para> with all the text, when I set the cursor to the beginning of the second para and press the delete-button:

Press the BACK_SPACE key at the *beginning* of *second* para, not the DELETE key.

Alternatively move the caret to the *end* of *first* para and press the DELETE key.

-> should be <para>abcdef</para>

Also in this case both para-elements should be joined after setting the cursor at the beginning of the second para and pressing the delete-button.
<para>Part 1</para>
<para>Part 2</para>

Could you please tell me why joining to paragraphs is not working in my case?

Moreover, for block-related commands like "deleteSelectionOrJoinBlockOrDeleteChar" to work, your configuration file must contain a <cfg:property> called "$c blockList" (where $c is automatically replaced by the name of the configuration):

DocBook v5 example:
  <property name="$c blockList">



    <keyPressed code="DELETE" />
    <command name="deleteSelectionOrJoinBlockOrDeleteChar" />

    <keyPressed code="BACK_SPACE" />
    <command name="deleteSelectionOrJoinBlockOrDeleteChar"
             parameter="backwards" />

This is documented.

See "24. deleteSelectionOrJoinBlockOrDeleteChar",

See "50.1. Specifying splittable blocks",

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