Thank your very much! I've added your "nl.xml" to the ditac source tree. You'll find it in the next releases of all our products leveraging ditac.

On 9/24/20 9:24 AM, Grundtvig Nielsen Niels wrote:
Sorry for the delay in replying, but I wasn't able to make the required changes 
immediately. Now I've managed it, and I'm delighted to see that it works! "Of course 
it works," you'll say, but you know my track record for trying to follow simple 
instructions ...

I've attached a copy of our nl.xml, though I now see that there are two terms 
<message name="shortForm">
<message name="draftintro">

I'll check the DITA specs to have a better idea of exactly when these labels 
may be required, then check again with Dutch-speaking colleagues and let know.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hussein Shafie []
Sent: vrijdag 11 september 2020 15:56
To: Grundtvig Nielsen Niels
Subject: Re: [XXE] language-specific labels

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On 9/11/20 3:02 PM, Grundtvig Nielsen Niels wrote:
Good afternoon! some of my international colleagues, who are happily
taking it for granted that XML Mind will let me do everything they might
possibly want, are asking me to manage a set of procedures translated
into Dutch. One of them has even prepared me a file called nl.xml and

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<messages xml:lang="nl">

<!-- Troubleshooting -->

So far so good, but I've not been able to find out where I need to copy
this file so that XML Mind will apply it when converting content for
output. A reminder would be very welcome!

It's all explained here:

"Appendix D. Translating the messages generated by ditac",

If you are using XXE rather than ditac, simply transpose
"ditac_install_dir/" to "XXE_install_dir/addon/config/dita/".

We would be very grateful if you could give us a copy of your "nl.xml"
and allow us, XMLmind Software, to integrate it in the stock ditac
distribution. In consequence, you would also find your contribution in
XXE distributions.

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XMLmind XML Editor Support List

Hussein SHAFIE, Product Manager,
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