On 10/13/21 18:27, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:

I am switching to a M1 mac. And so I am curious about the status of, right now, using XMLmind XML Editor on a M1 mac?


For MacOS, the release notes for the current version of XMLmind XML Editor (version 9.5.1) says:

  * XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported on macOS Big Sur
    (version 11.0), except on Macs having an Apple M1 (ARM-based)
    processor. Macs having an Apple M1 will be officially supported by
    XMLmind Software as soon as both a “native” OpenJDK and a “native”
    OpenJFX are available for this platform.

These native OpenJDK+OpenJFX were made available, just one month ago, on September 14, 2021. See downloads below.

My experience is that «officially supported» means that it probably also works even if it is not «officialy supported» as long as OpenJDK runs.

Almost certainly yes.

According to the OpenJDK page at Wikipedia, there is currently just one distribution of OpenJDK that is built for M1 - the Liberica JDK by BellSoft. And according BellSoft's download page, Liberica JDK «includes LibericaFX. It’s a supported version of OpenJFX,»

Don't know anything about Liberica JDK. Not really interested.

We plan to use the same, old, trusty, JDK+JFX that we currently use for Mac/x64, but for the Mac/AArch64:

- JDK 17, macOS / AArch64, https://jdk.java.net/17/
- JavaFX, macOS aarch64 jmods, https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/

but we need to purchase a Mac M1 to officially support this platform. We are waiting for the newest Macs having an M1X. It's as simple as that.

See: https://bell-sw.com/pages/downloads/#mn <https://bell-sw.com/pages/downloads/#mn>

So, I guess I can sum up my question like this: Should I expect that XMLmind XML Editor will work with Liberica JDK on a M1 (or ARM-based) mac?

No tested hence cannot answer this.

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