Dear Hussein,

Thank you for the time to take time to provide an answer and the different

   - The intention was indeed to translate the words Chapter etc. to their
   Dutch (and other languages) equivalent.
   - I know that there are some (understatement) problems in the xml files,
   but I was not able to fix them all in a consistent way yet. I have to dive
   deep into it again. Your changes will help in this respect.

is there a reason why you have
the corrections have to be made in doxygen so doxygen will emit valit
docbook output. I use XMLMind as a viewer as it gives great hints.

   - thanks for the links to the github page of the stylesheets (most
   likely I will file a bug there for the multiple HTML files).
   - regarding the languages (like Armenian, Macedonian, Norwegian), this
   is probably also a problem of the stylesheet (or even on my computer?)

Best Regards,



On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 10:14 AM Hussein Shafie <> wrote:

> Hello,
> All the issues you describe are not caused by our product XMLmind XML
> Editor. They are caused by the DocBook XSL Stylesheets, our products
> uses to convert DocBook to HTML.
> XMLmind Software does not develop or maintain the DocBook XSL
> Stylesheets. Therefore it's difficult for us to help you.
> Project page:
> Notes:
> - When you convert your index.xml to a *single* HTML page, the DocBook
> XSL Stylesheets generate:
> ---
> <body...>
> <div class="book" lang="nl">
> ---
> Moreover the DocBook XSL Stylesheets use the xml:lang attributes to
> translate the generated text (Contents, Chapter, Index) to nl
> (Inhoudsopgave, Hoofdstuk, Register).
> - When you convert your index.xml to *multiple* HTML pages, the DocBook
> XSL Stylesheets just use the xml:lang attributes to translate the
> generated text (Contents, Chapter, Index) to nl (Inhoudsopgave,
> Hoofdstuk, Register). They do NOT add lang="nl" anywhere in the
> generated HTML pages.
> Yes, this clearly looks like a bug.
> - Your index.xml and mainpage.xml had *severe* *structural* *errors*.
> Before being able to convert these to HTML using XMLmind XML Editor, I
> had to fix all the structural errors.
> Please note that XMLmind XML Editor is not meant to be "usable" on XML
> documents  having structural errors. Moreover  XMLmind XML Editor is not
> designed to make it easy fixing this kind of errors. Sorry for that!
> Fixed versions of your files attached to this email.
> On 6/3/20 3:40 PM, Albert wrote:
> > Dear Sir,
> >
> > When I have a simple project (generated by doxygen, see attachment) and
> > convert it to HTML (xmlmind 9.3.0).
> >
> >   * I have to place the "xml:lang" attribute in the both file input
> >     files as otherwise the file "ch02.html" won't have the language in
> >     its file, I would have expected that placing it in the book tag
> >     should be sufficient as this is the master tag.
> >   * in the conversion there is no language tag in the files ch01.html
> >     and ix01.html, I would have expected the tag here as well
> >   * it is a bit strange to me that the language tag is in a div tag in
> >     the "middle of the document and not with the head and body tag.
> >       o did I miss something for the above mentioned points?
> >
> > Doxygen can output in quite a few languages (the quality is depending on
> > the provided translations by developers / users).
> >
> >   * When I create output for the languages and convert to RTF I get for
> >     most languages a translation of words like chapter, but not for
> >     Armenian (language code hy) and Macedonian (language code mk). Is
> >     this intentional?
> >   * For the Norwegian language the language code no is not supported,
> >     supported is Nynorsk (nn) so not a big problem for me though is the
> >     not supporting of no on purpose?
> >
> >
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