Messages by Thread
[issues] "Female Hackers Battle Sexism [...]"
thomas sjogren
[issues] what's slashdot's problem?
Katie Bechtold
[issues] An Interview with Pauline Middlelink
Jeanette Heidenberg
[issues] [Fwd: Digital Divas Being Pre-empted by Microsoft]
Deb Richardson
[issues] (no subject)
Vinnie ChassotXDrachen Surmonde
[issues] Congrats to DEB!
[issues] Useful(?) link?
[issues] That clothes thread...
Caitlyn Máire Martin
[issues] Harassment Suits Hit the Dot-Coms-NY Times (fwd)
[issues] Hatching chix without eggs [was: women in computing article]
Nicoya Helm
[issues] women in computing article
Nicole Zimmerman
[issues] The format of a resume.
The Cat In The Hat
Re: [issues] jobs & interviews & clothes
[issues] Interview clothes, supercooled offices
Caitlyn Máire Martin
[issues] The burden of desirability
Simon Britnell
[issues] My bad writing in "Re: Does Jane Compute"
Doug Vogt
[issues] Re: Re: Does Jane Compute
[issues] Somewhat OT: Amsterdam geek hangouts?
Dan McGarry
[issues] FAQs
[issues] Disaster with the issues FAQ
[issues] Re. Ottawa List/Ottawa Members
C. E. Lowther
[issues] Re: [grrltalk] Getting Girls into Computing...
Hege Nordli
[issues] Does Jane Compute
Jenn V.
[issues] Slashdot article - last question
Jenn V.
[issues] Sorry another test - please ignore
Steve Howes
[issues] eek...NOTE re addresses
Deb Richardson
Fw: [issues] No, you don't suck, and I won't ignore you
Dan McGarry
[issues] maybe this will work
Deb Richardson
[issues] another test (sorry, I suck, please ignore)
Deb Richardson
[issues] No, you don't suck, and I won't ignore you
Caitlyn Máire Martin
Re: [issues] No, you don't suck, and I won't ignore you
Re: [issues] No, you don't suck, and I won't ignore you
Deirdre Saoirse
Re: [issues] No, you don't suck, and I won't ignore you
Re: [issues] No, you don't suck, and I won't ignore you
Jamie Walker
Re: [issues] No, you don't suck, and I won't ignore you
Deirdre Saoirse
Re: [issues] No, you don't suck, and I won't ignore you
Kelly Lynn Martin
Re: [issues] No, you don't suck, and I won't ignore you
Re: [issues] languages
S. D. Rosenberg
[issues] Hello!
[issues] Hey all!
[issues] Notice of Changes (my final cross-post, honest :)
Deb Richardson
[issues] issues test (ignore)
Deb Richardson
LinuxChix Lists Status Update
Deb Richardson
Assorted brokennesses
Deb Richardson
[issues] FAQ: more FAQ information requests. Sorry!
[issues] Humour: Gender
Dan McGarry
[issues] Linux PR
Jeanette Heidenberg
[issues] Re; FAQ Answer request
Mary Wood
[issues] Re; FAQ: Answer request
Mary Wood
[issues] FAQ: Answer request