Computer Science, in my point of view, is supposed to be theoretical
aspects of computing. All practical applications is left to the IS majors
and everyone else. =)
I actually like looking at the theories. I've got ideas on how to improve
things that aren't in development yet.
On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Apr 2000 18:16:18 -0500 (CDT), "Jenny Brown (was Gable)"
> >On top of all that... there was a nearly fanatical focus on algorithm
> >development and backend systems, completely excluding project
> >management, web programming, user interfaces, graphics, database
> >front-ends... The actual practical stuff. Instead, they taught OS
> >and compiler design... how to write a database... Essentially, how
> >to rewrite all the commercial tools that are already out there for
> >use... but not how to use them to do anything useful.
> Well, of course. That's because you were in computer science. If you
> wanted this other stuff, you should have been in MIS, not computer
> science or computer engineering. Colleges do a very poor job in
> general of matching students to majors, but they're especially bad in
> the technology fields.
> Kelly
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