On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 12:21:37PM -0700, The Cat In The Hat wrote:
> so my real question is why can't recruiters accept a resume in text
> format especially when you are applying for a Unix Sysadmin job? 

As I recall, we've done this bit of ranting before on one of the
lists. :)
The fault here is with the recruiters.  They don't know Unix from
eunuchs, and that Word format is standard boilerplate for them.  I'd
recommend, if you don't want to use Word on another computer, to
create a resume in PDF or HTML.  If the recruiter won't accept it,
contact the company itself and let them know that their recruiter is
alienating possible candidates with their brainless policy. ;)

Aaron Malone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
System Administrator                     I can bend minds with my spoon.
Poplar Bluff Internet, Inc.                        --Anonymous

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