On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, srl wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Of course, esr is also a sexist pig, so I don't know if we really want 
> > him as a "role model" anyway.
> Please do elaborate what you mean. I've only read his work; I
> haven't interacted with him IRL. Are there things I should know?

I hadn't been reading issues, but this thread was pointed out to me.

In the time when I've hung out with ESR, I have been continually annoyed
at his talking about groupies (or what he perceives as groupies) and his
escapades with them. He claims he has an open marriage (but I note he
didn't commit to that in print in the Salon article about open source and
alternative life styles).

I was asked, early on, if I was "involved with Rick or just travelling
with him" and responded that I hoped to be involved (our relationship in
fact started almost immediately thereafter). I was told by an ESR groupie
that he (ESR) had been interested in me and this was sort of gauging my
interest. I was a bit floored at the time.

Anyhow, I *like* ESR as a person, I just don't like that part of him. The
womanizing part, that is. And, while he claims his relationship is open
(and it may well be), I personally would go for confirmation of same in
ANY poly-type arrangement I might make. ;) The difference between an open
poly and a cheater is significant; unless you know the person well, it's
not easy to tell the difference.

_Deirdre   *   http://www.sfknit.org   *   http://www.deirdre.net
"Linux means never having to delete your love mail." -- Don Marti

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