On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, curious wrote:

> I don't claim to know ESR however I do know guys who are after having
> sex with a variety of women.. I also know alot of women who are
> intrested in having sex with alot of guys... usualy the "players" play
> with "players" though this is not always the case.. nor is it the
> point of this post...

I really doubt that the players play with the players. For example, I
think Monica Lewinsky had very different hopes and expectations than
Clinton did. She really seemed like she went through the wringer.

> This conversation, though not directly, brings up some rather anoying
> social standards/beiefs or whatever you want to call it.. When a women
> is discovered to enjoy sex with multiple partners she is automagicly
> classified as a slut..

In some areas, if she has sex outside of marriage, she's a slut.

Heck,  I was taught that wearing the wrong *shoes* would give that
impression. I was surprised to hear a woman I know describe a tube top for
a six-year-old as "slutty." Yes, this was recently. In Silicon Valley. By
a native.

> It realy irks me to see people objectified because they enjoy multiple
> partners..

Like I said, there's a difference between poly and cheating. I don't know
where anyone other than myself falls on this line.

There's also a word we're missing here: polyamorous. As in amor. As in
love. There's a big difference between a short fling at a convention (even
if it happens more than once) and a partner.

Anyone who has multiple long-term relationships that are *partners* has my
respect (and a bit of awe).

Those who simply boff multiple people, however, do not.

> further just because someone likes to have lots of partners doesn't
> mean that he/she doesn't respect people..

Ah, I see where you're going with this. In my opinion, hitting on people
that one doesn't know well and talking about it at length with others IS a
lack of respect, regardless of the numbers involved. Even if one wasn't
successful with ANY of them.

> Again, I don't know ESR personaly, but I've seen too many cases where
> people loose thier identity because of their sexuality... and I'm just
> sick of it.. You can't gauge someone's level of respect base on sexual
> intrest.. people are far more complex then that..

Sorry, when their sexuality becomes a great part of their social
that don't you understand?

_Deirdre   *   http://www.sfknit.org   *   http://www.deirdre.net
"Linux means never having to delete your love mail." -- Don Marti

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