Hi, Deirdre,

> > Unfortunately, that makes a whole lot of otherwise decent places to work
> > inaccessible to you, or else just keep you out of management, even
> > technical management.  It will also keep you out of most positions
> > involving any contact with a customer, and that can include senior
> > technical positions.
> This is not true in California (by law) and it may well not be true in
> other areas.

California is a reasonable and civilized place.  Sometimes I don't think North
Carolina or the Florida Panhandle (the two places I mentioned living) are.
IMHO, we are just a little backwards here.  OTOH, the area has a lot of
positive points, too, so you take the good with the bad,

> In San Francisco, people dressed like that to work.

In New York, too.  That is there and this is here.  I don't disagree with
anything you are saying.  It just isn't the same here, IMHO.

> That IS true. Funky sure isn't what it used to be for us (I'm 40).

Tell me about it!  I turn 40 in about six weeks.


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