J B wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Susannah Rosenberg wrote:
> > i agree that geekiness is becoming attractive. however, it's
> > becoming attractive because of _money_.
> I must disagree here. It may often be because of money, but in most of the
> cases I know of, the guy is attracted to the strong independent woman who
> just happens to be a geek (in the hetero relationships, obviously). Men
> that were raised in a household where the mother was independent, strong,
> etc look for that in a woman, and cannot abide by a woman that is a
> "doormat". I know that this is the case with me.
I would have to disagree with this ;)
Ive never understood the supposed attraction to the mothers personality
type. Ive never felt this and it seems quite alien to me. However,
this seems to be widely accepted.
And thus brings up an interesting point. What about daughters? Are
they influenced by the personality of their mothers to a severe extent?
Does anyone know of a relationship between the mothers view of
technology (i.e. a 'geek' or very not 'geek') and how that affects their
daughters? I cant recall ever hearing anything on this, so I may be off
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