Snarfblat wrote:
> There was an interesting discussion brought up in this thread
> that made me wonder...
> At what point is flirting / sexual attraction / et all perceived
> as sexism? What factors indicate whether it is more towards a
> sexist annoyance, or an uninvited advance...
I perceive it as sexist when:
- I've already said "I'm not interested/Fuck off"
- The offending party *continues* to do it, and uses excuses such as:
- you're obviously looking for it (by wearing a dress,
makeup, whatever)
- starts insulting me in a sexist way (ie, "you must
be a lesbian" -- really more homophobic, but
also sexist in it's assumption *every* woman
who's not gay *must* want "a man")
<shrug> most of the time, i just write it off as Skanky Ho People and
leave it at that. no sexism, just bad taste.
> Is the fact that social advances are traditionally (not sure how
> equal it is today, definately a lot more balanced) a male
> activity contribute to any perceived sexism?
heh. this is such a myth. :) in my experience, women make just as many
sexual advances as men.
women just tend to make them in different ways.
> I guess the root of it is how you feel your being perceived,
> either as a peice of meat, or genuinely interesting, and what
> decides this?
you know, on the piece of meat issue, i've finally decided it's not
really sexism. it's really more just resounding shallowness, at least in
american culture. most of the guys i know of who treat women as sex
objects really aren't the type to have deep, meaningful emotional and
intellectual relationships with their *male* friends, either. they're
usually just stupid and shallow. now, granted, i think there is more of
a tendency towards real deep emotional bonding with men and disregard of
women in european and asian and middle eastern cultures, but over here
if someone is just interested in me because i have large breasts they're
usually just boring fuckheads.
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