On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Susannah Rosenberg wrote:

 > i agree that geekiness is becoming attractive. however, it's
 > becoming attractive because of _money_.

I must disagree here.  It may often be because of money, but in most of the 
cases I know of, the guy is attracted to the strong independent woman who 
just happens to be a geek (in the hetero relationships, obviously).  Men 
that were raised in a household where the mother was independent, strong, 
etc look for that in a woman, and cannot abide by a woman that is a 
"doormat".  I know that this is the case with me.

>I disagree. I know of no female geeks not in relationship
I know of a couple, but it is by thier choice.

 > i've noticed a weird trend in all this geek attractiveness stuff: young,
 > geeky guys marrying older, less geeky women. any thoughts?

I think the best working relationship, and I have seen several cases, is a 
geek guy and a geek girl.  Non geeks have a tendency (in my experience) to 
get "jealous" of the attention that we geeks lavish upon our "babies"
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