curious wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, srl wrote:

> > For some reason, there's a prevailing assumption that feminine =
> > non-technical. Either that,  or male geeks get along better with people
> > like them....

I find that this assumption tends to hold, as well. 

> I wonder how much of this comes from the "corporate atmosphere" 
> ... perhaps the environment (perhaps shapped by xyz male
> syndrom) leads to an expectation of a certian dress for a "techie"

I don't think it's a corporate thing. In the corporate environment,
programmers seem to be expected to wear 'yuppie suits' (or at least, I've
been to a few job interviews where they were). Thus, the women are expected
to do the female version, complete with heel shoes.

> For those of you who work for companies with more then one "techie"
> female.. do females also hold similar bias to females who dress "feminine"

The attitudes I get come fairly equally from both genders, with the
exception that the women (usually) don't talk to my breasts.

IMO, 'feminine' clothing is designed to be crippling. The shoes, the long
fingernails, the hobbleskirts, the fragile stockings - they all add up, to
me, to the idea 'Hey, look! I'm so rich my wife doesn't have to do a

Jenn V.
  "We're repairing the coolant loop of a nuclear fusion reactor. 
   This is women's work!"
                Helix, Freefall.

Jenn Vesperman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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