> It was vi that I created it in originally. I currently don't have a personal web
>page. I canceled the dialup account that it was on and have not created one on my
>cable modem account yet. I suppose that I will have to do that.
> As a side note - how much contact information do you put on a resume that you post
>on your web page?
> Thanks,
> CatNTHat
Just my email address :) The theory is that if they're viewing it on the web,
they can email me. If they can't well, there's a good chance I don't want to
know anyhow. :) Anything more I won't bother with. If they're serious then
I'll give the info over email, or even phone them. Gives me time to check
them out before handing over owt personal like that :)
@}-,'-------------------------------------------------- Chris Johnson --'-{@
/ "(it is) crucial that we learn the difference / [EMAIL PROTECTED] \
/ between Sex and Gender. Therein lies the key / \
/ to our freedom" -- LB / www.nccnet.co.uk/~sixie \
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