On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Susannah Rosenberg wrote:
> i agree that geekiness is becoming attractive. however, it's
> becoming attractive because of _money_.
> and in a lot of cases, while (hetero) women want a man who can support
> and provide for them... men still want to be "the head of the
> household".
In a lot of cases, couples with a geek woman find that the woman is the
primary breadwinner. Like mine.
> the economic attraction isn't as strong for men, because society still
> expects them to provide, and looks down on them if they don't. so the
> perception i've seen is that _male_ geeks are desirable, while female
> geeks are often seen as... scary. <shrug> not female enough; in as much
> as geekiness now equates to positive 'masculine' virtues, it's
> respected. in as much as geekiness does _not_ equate to traditional
> 'feminine' values, it's undervalued.
I disagree. I know of no female geeks not in relationships (except for
some of my gay female friends).
> i've noticed a weird trend in all this geek attractiveness stuff: young,
> geeky guys marrying older, less geeky women. any thoughts?
Not in my neighborhood. I'm a year younger and, if anything, more geeky,
than my fiance.
_Deirdre * http://www.linuxcabal.org * http://www.deirdre.net
"The year after I was born, we walked on the moon. Now, 31 years later,
it's considered an impressive feat of science to grow tomatoes in low
Earth orbit." -- John Miles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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